Insanely Cool Jobs You Had No Idea Existed – If there is one thing everyone needs to learn about life, it is this. Money may not be able to buy you happiness or love, but it is able to buy you just about everything else in life.
Insanely Cool Jobs You Had No Idea Existed
But thankfully a person can make money doing pretty much anything, as long as it is something someone in the world will pay for. We at TheRichest thought it would be a great idea to do some research and find the 15 most ridiculous and unheard of jobs on the planet. From ice cream tasters to professional bridesmaids, this list is filled with the coolest and most unbelievable jobs in the world that you had no idea existed.
Insanely Cool Jobs. This article proves two things; the first is that money can buy pretty much anything, and the second is that there is a job for everyone in life, so do not let anyone ever tell you what you want to do is impossible.
Top 14 Insanely Cool Jobs You Had No Idea Existed
The following jobs will make you believe that in life, you can really do anything you want, no matter how ridiculous your dream seems. So sit back and enjoy learning about some of the careers they don’t teach you about in school.
15. Professional Bridesmaid
Are you really good at posing for pictures and being bossed around? Well if you are then this may be the job for you. Professional bridesmaids, believe it or not, are a real thing. These hired bridesmaids are there to help on the big day.
Jen Glantz is the co-founder of the company Bridesmaids for Hire, which offers bridesmaids and personal assistant type services to a bride throughout her wedding day. When you actually think about it, hiring a bridesmaid is not the worst idea, as it gives the chance to all the other bridesmaids to relax and have a good time. Plus, it gives the bride a perfect person to project her bridezilla energy on throughout her stressful day.
If you are wondering what it will cost you to get a bridesmaid for hire on your wedding day, it varies between $300-2000 depending on which package you choose.
14. Nail Polish Namer
Men may or may not know this (most women do), but every nail polish has a name, and they are all awesome. Companies like Essie and Opi have come up with some seriously witty and adorable names for their colours, including Navigate Her, Leading Lady, Funny Bunny, All Tied Up and Lincoln Park After Dark.
What a lot of us do not realize is that naming these colours takes an entire team! Approximately 6 people are involved in the process. They first must start with a specific geographic location and play around with that region. Then the team sits around for hours on end coming up with some of the most incredibly witty names ever.
This is the perfect job for anyone who is good with words, creative and has a good eye for colors. This may seem like a super easy job, but with new colors coming out every season, it is hard to keep the creativity alive.
13. Professional Golf Ball Diver
Many men dream of spending their days on a golf course and getting paid for it. Well this job allows you to do just that. Most people probably think that on a golf course, once the ball lands in the water it’s gone forever. However, that is not really the case because the world employs golf ball divers who are trained to retrieve golf balls from water traps around the course.
If you are thinking it is like diving in the Caribbean, you are very mistaken. This is a nasty, cold and dirty job but believe it or not, someone has to do it. Golf ball divers may not seem like they have the most luxurious job, but it does pay fairly well. Professional golf ball divers make about $100,000 a year, which is more than a lot of jobs pay. This is the perfect job for someone that simply loves being around golf and who does not mind getting wet and a little dirty.
12. Moirologist aka Professional Mourner
Have you ever been to a funeral and noticed there was a lack of people? Well someone decided to use this as a base for their company and they are actually doing pretty well for themselves. Moirologists, which are professional mourners, go to different funerals grieving the deceased. To many this may sound crazy, however it is actually a growing industry.
A company in the United Kingdom called Rent a Mourner is actually doing really well. What the company does is provide a “mourner” to attend either the wake, the funeral or both. It costs roughly $70 an hour and it is sure to provide someone who is sad and prepared to mourn the loss of your loved one.
The company speaks with the family beforehand to find out exactly what they are looking for in the person they are hiring and the company guarantees that the mourner will respect their role and remain professional.
11. Professional Line Standers
Who doesn’t hate waiting in line? Well for the right price, you never have to wait in line again because professional line standers are a real thing. This is the perfect job for those special few who actually do not mind waiting in line, or for those who want the most brainless job possible.
These people tend to be extremely busy during big sales like Black Friday, new product launches (like a new Apple product or a limited edition pair of Jordans) and of course, for tickets. This may seem like possibly the most boring job ever, however it’s actually quite genius to think you can earn money for literally just standing.
One professional line-stander claims to earn an average of $1,000 a week, which is pretty insane considering the amount of work you need to put in for it. Companies like Line Standing, provide you with someone who will wait in line so you do not have to, proving that money can buy you almost everything in life.
10. Mermaid
Mermaids are magical creatures that most little girls dreamed of being thanks to Ariel in Disney’s The Little Mermaid. However, most little girls were told that mermaids do not exist and that you can’t be one when you grow up. But they were wrong! Mermaids do in fact exist and you can be one if that is what your heart desires.
Believe it or not, there are plenty of professional mermaids in the world. You can even take a class on being a mermaid where you are trained to swim gracefully with a fin. Being a mermaid is harder than it looks, it takes training and a lot of dedication to be able to pull it off. A lot of people hire professional mermaids at events because hey, who doesn’t want a mermaid at a party swimming around in the pool? Professional mermaids prove that in life, you really can be anything you want to be.
9. Paradise Island Caretaker
This job, although not very common, does in fact exist. We are sure a lot of you are wondering, what exactly is a paradise island caretaker? Well, we at TheRichest are going to explain that to you.
The best way to describe this job is pretty much a permanent vacation. 35,000 people applied for this position and Ben Southall was the lucky person to receive the job. Southall was known as having “The Best Job In The World,” as his days entail swimming, exploring and relaxing at Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef.
Southall blogged about his experiences which helped promote the beautiful Island. Throughout those six months, he was interviewed over 450 times and attracted over $510 million in global publicity for the area. Southall was paid $150,000 for his “hard” work, which is not bad considering it was only there for 6 months.
8. Netflix Tagger
Imagine getting paid to watch television all day. Seriously, imagine that your job requires you to Netflix and chill on a daily. Well, believe it or not, it is actually a real job. This is one of the most chill and relaxed jobs we have ever heard of. Unlike even some of the ones on this list, this job is so easy it does not even require you getting off the couch.
I know a lot of you are probably wondering what a Netflix tagger is and what exactly the job entails. It is more than simple, the job pretty much requires one to watch Netflix and tag different movies and shows according to their key words. This is done to help viewers find what they are looking for in an easier way. Although a lot of us have used keywords, not many of us have thought of where those words come from, but now we know.
7. Ice Cream Taster
Ice cream is one of the most delicious things ever. Let’s get real here, pretty much everyone in the world likes ice cream. The creamy cool texture and endless variety of flavours are bound to wake up anyone’s sweet tooth.
Ben and Jerry’s is one of the most popular brands of ice cream and for good reason, they have a great reputation and even better flavours. If you are a big ice cream lover with a witty way with words, then they have a job for you. Yes, that is right, being an ice cream taster is a real thing.
This position requires you to taste various flavours and come up with unique and suitable names for each of them. To many, this is a dream job and for some, it is actually a reality. Who would have ever thought that you could get paid to eat ice cream? Not us, that’s for sure!
6. Video Gamer Tester
Our parents are not always right. Remember when they would force you to study and stop playing video games because you needed to one day get a “good job”?Well, mom and dad, guess what, there is actually a job that consists of you playing video games all day, and for many, this is their dream job.
Gaming companies will pay you a minimum of $50,000 a year to play their video games. The job has great value as it allows developers to get feedback on the games and also helps to find any glitches that may occur. This is a really cool job and a lot more common than people think. The gaming industry is huge and growing quickly. If this sounds like something you can see yourself doing and being good at, then you should find somewhere to apply. You never know if you don’t try!
5. Professional Cuddle Buddy
For many, human touch is one of the most healing and important things in life. However, what happens if you have no one to hold you? Don’t worry about not having someone that cares enough to hold you, we live in a society where money can pretty much buy you anything, including a cuddle buddy.
Yes, that’s right, there are actually people in the world who make a living out of cuddling strangers. For about $120 an hour, you can be held and spooned exactly the way you want by a complete stranger. The Cuddlery is one of the companies offering the service, but they also provide life coaching. They want to provide an environment for their clients to feel safe in. Although this is an extremely weird career choice, there are a lot of people who actually use this service and companies providing it are doing better than you would expect.
4. Professional Sleeper
There are not many feelings that compare to getting a good night’s sleep, waking up and having nothing to do. Well, ladies and gentleman, the world is filled with crazy jobs and professional sleepers are just one of them.
Now, we know this is a job we are sure a lot of people could get on board with. Put it this way, imagine getting paid to sleep – seriously just imagine. This job pretty much gives you money for nothing. However, like everything else in life, it is not as simple as it seems, as there are countless applicants and only a handful of people who get the luxury to sleep on the job.
NASA usually hires “professional sleepers” to help with scientific testing. This allows whoever has this job to have an actual dream job. This job actually pays a high amount considering what it includes, for $60,000 a year we are sure a lot of you would sleep for a living.
3. Condom Tester
Imagine living in a world where you get paid to pretty much have sex with a condom on, legally (you know, without being an adult film star). Well imagine no more, the future is kind of here.
Durex in Australia offered over 200 positions for people to actually become condom testers. However, before you all get ahead of yourselves and plan your escape to Australia, you must know that the job really does not pay well. Being a condom tester is not something you can make a career out of or even make enough money to just “get by.” Instead, Durex was offering you a $60 selection of products in order for you to try out and give proper feedback. Still, who complains about free condoms and an excuse to have sex?
They didn’t explain why, but one participant will be awarded $1,000 for their efforts. Now imagine getting to put that on your resume. Plus, I mean, at the very least if you can ever convince the ladies to come home with you, then you’ll probably have some extra condoms on hand as well.
2. Bachelor Party Master
Montreal is one of those cities that is known for its beautiful women, amazing nightclubs, and even better gentlemen’s clubs. Which is why it is a popular bachelor party destination. Especially if you are looking for something that is a lot more fun and a lot less “cliché” than the typical Las Vegas strip.
Oren Bornstein and Roderick Leider are the two masterminds behind Connected Montreal and let us be the first to tell you, they have pretty much every man’s dream job. The party masters take pride in creating the most unique and memorable experience for each of their clients.
As we all already know, money goes a long way, so the more you are willing to pay, the more these boys could provide for you. From midgets to lesbians to naked women with sushi all over their bodies, Connected Montreal has the power to make anything happen, anything legal that is…
1. Champagne Facial Specialist
Personally, we at TheRichest do not see the thrill in having champagne poured all over ourselves, however, believe it of not, people are actually making a career out of it.
Most of you have probably seen the Slut Whisperer on countless forms of social media. Well, that dude’s name is Kirill Bichutsky and he is on his way to creating an empire. This party photographer made it huge when he decided to step outside the box and create what he calls “champagne facials.” Not only is he getting away with this kind of thing, but he is actually getting paid a ridiculous amount to do so.
Clubs all around North America pay him to attend parties and give girls champagne facials. Although this is, in fact, a real job, we are not sure the world can handle more than one Kirill. For now, he is the only champagne facial specialist. Let’s see if anyone can ever replace him.